Preparedness for Flood Risk Reduction through Mapping and Assessing Risk and Management Options and Building Capacity in Lal Bakaiya Watershed, Nepal

Assignment name:  Flood Risk Reduction in Lal Bakaiya Watershed
Approx. value of the contract ()
Country: Nepal
Location within country
Duration of assignment (months):
Name of client:  UNESCO/ICIMOD
Total no of staff-months of the assignment:
Address: Lalitpur, Nepal
No of professional staff-months provided by associated consultants:
Start date (month/year):  2011
Completion Date:
Name of associate consultants, if any
Name of senior professional staff of this firm involved and functions performed (indicate most significant profiles such as Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader)– Adarsha P. Pokheral as co-ordinator, Prof. Dr. Narendra Raj Khanal as team leader and Khada Nanda Dulal worked as Hydrologist
Narrative description of Project: 
The main objective of this study is to assess hazard, vulnerability and risks, and build capacity of local people and institutions to deal with disaster risk through awareness creation and preparedness.